Corboy & Demetrio CFO Marcy Twardak was honored as a Hero for telling her survivor story in a new public service announcement by Susan G. Komen Chicagoland on Oct. 22, 2016. Marcy is a 25-year breast cancer survivor who appears in the video with her daughter, Katie Twardak. Both were recognized on stage at Komen’s inaugural gala, Ignite the Night.
![]() Corboy & Demetrio Partner Kenneth Lumb will teach the CLE course, Electronic Medical Records, at the Medical Malpractice Seminar on Dec. 3, 2016. The one-day seminar is sponsored by the Illinois Trial Lawyers Association Education Fund. Other topics include Opening Statements, Vicarious Liability and Judicial Perspective. To register online, go to or call 800-252-8501. Corboy & Demetrio is proud to announce it’s a Patron Sponsor of the Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation (CAASE) fundraiser, “Celebrating a Decade: Changing Law, Educating Allies, Championing Survivors,” which will be held on Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016.
The fundraiser will include a cocktail reception, awards presentation and celebration of ten years of CAASE’s work of changing laws, educating allies and championing survivors of sexual exploitation in Chicago. For more information about CAASE and the event, go to ![]() Listen to Corboy & Demetrio CFO Marcy Twardak, a 25-year breast cancer survivor, tell her emotional Hero story in this new Komen Chicagoland radio PSA, which is part of the kickoff of its “More than Pink” campaign. Listen to Marcy's Survivor Story in New PSA Here Marcy will be recognized as a Susan G. Komen Chicagoland Hero at Komen’s “Ignite the Night” Gala onOctober 22, 2016 at Wintrust Bank in Chicago. ![]() Please join friends and family of the late Maureen McIntyre at the 2nd Annual MoeMac Fest on Friday, Oct. 21st at Reilly’s Daughter in Oak Lawn to celebrate her beautiful life cut far too short. Maureen was a beloved, longtime Corboy & Demetrio employee. Tickets are $50 and include appetizers, domestic beers, wine and soft drinks. Proceeds will be donated to the MoeMac Foundation at Loyola University, which send students to Loyola Rome, as well as towards a scholarship at Mother McAuley High School. For more information, go to Corboy & Demetrio Employee Completes Chicago Marathon to Raise Funds for Brain Tumor Association10/12/2016 ![]() Congratulations to Corboy & Demetrio staffer Susan Roth who completed her first Chicago Marathon on Sunday. Susan raised nearly $1900 for the American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA). Susan raised the funds in memory of her father, who died from a brain tumor two years ago. Founded in 1973, ABTA was the first and is the only national advocacy organization committed to funding brain tumor research and providing information and education on all tumor types. ABTA provides comprehensive resources that support the complex needs of brain tumor patients and caregivers, as well as the critical funding of research in the pursuit of breakthroughs in brain tumor diagnosis, treatment and care. For more information the American Brain Tumor Association, go to C&D's Susan Roth will run her first Chicago Marathon on Oct. 9, 2016 to raise money for the American Brain Tumor Association in honor of her father, who died after battling a brain tumor in 2014.
Susan is running as part of American Brain Tumor Association’s Team Breakthrough, which is the American Brain Tumor Association's (ABTA) endurance training program. Team Breakthrough allows runners from beginners to the more advanced to participate in endurance events nationwide, while raising funds and awareness to advance the understanding and treatment of brain tumors. For more information, go to HOPE.ABTA.ORG Almost Home Kids will celebrate its Share the Care Ball on Oct. 21st. Proceeds from the annual fundraiser will benefit the children and families of Almost Home Kids Chicago.
The mission of AMK is to provide transitional care in a home-like setting to children with complicated health needs, training for their families and respite care. Corboy & Demetrio Partner Susan J. Schwartz serves on AHK’ President’s Council. |
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